Since long time ago, i think that hinamatsuri is very interesting, so I've decide to make this as my presentation topic. As there's not much info on the internet. so I'm gonna do some interview to get more info.
~雛人形に付いて調べます research about Hina dolls
一、人形の意味と配列 The meaning and arrangement of Hina dolls
二、雛壇の飾り The decoration of Hina Dan
~雛祭りのお祝い Celebration of Hinamatsuri
一、お祝いしますか?Do you celebrate?
三、食べ物と式 Food and ceremony
調べる方 Research methods
一、インターネット internet
二、インタビュー interview
三、本を読みます by reading books
どう見せる how to present?
~パワーポイントで見せます Using power point to present
There are still a lot to think of, so I might change some of the things i wanted to research on~