この間、日本のカレーライスつくった ^^
Hehe~ I had cooked japanese curry rice few days ago
The aroma is very nice and it's super tasty~
cooking curry rice is very easy, anyone also can cook it!
First, is the preparation of the ingredients
最も(もっとも)基本(きほん)と簡単のカレーの材料は じゃがいも、にんじん、玉ねぎ、鶏肉
The most basic and simple ingredients are potato, carrot, onions and chicken
I wanted to make the chicken taste nicer so garlic is in my list too
Amount of ingredients for 2
2 standard size potatoes
2 small size carrots
1 onion
1 or 2 chicken breast or thigh
It's ok to use any amount of chicken that you wanted. For me, I used one chicken thigh. The thigh will taste nicer. The amount of other ingredients can be change to suit your appetite. Cut all the ingredients into bite siz
e as shown in the picture, including the meat.
カレールーはBayan Lepas のSunshine Squareで買ったの。普通のスパーで買うのはできるだ。二人の分は2ブロックでもう充分だ。でももっと濃縮(のうしゅく)したいなら3ブロックもいいだよ。いくつの辛さ(つらさ)のレベルがあるんだよ!
The curry roux was bought in Sunshine Sqaure Bayan Lepas. You can buy it at any supermarket. 2 blocks is enough for 2 people but if wanted the curry to be more concentrated, you can put in 3 blocks. There are few levels of spiciness available.
Let's start cooking~!
1. 熱した(ねっした)の鍋(なべ)に油(あぶら)をいれって、ニンニクをいれって、金色までに炒 め(いため)て。
Put some oil into a preheated pan, then add in the garlic and stir fry until it becomes golden colour.
2. 鶏肉をいれって、中火で表面(ひょうめん)に焼き(やき)色がつくまで焼い(やい)て。肉は半熟(はんじゅく)にしての方がいいと
Add the chicken chunks,use medium heat to stir fry until they are browned on the surface. I think it's better to leave the meat half-cooked, if not, the meat might become hard when the curry is done.
3. ジャガイモとにんじんをいれ、よく炒めるだ。玉ねぎも加えて炒め合わせたら、少し塩をいれるんだ。
Add in potatoes and carrot dices and fry. After add in onions, add in a little salt
4. 鍋に水を加え(全ての材料は水に浸しされるまで)。沸騰(ふっとう)したら、あくを取り。材料が柔らかく(やわらかく)なるまで、弱火~中火で煮込み(にこみ)ます。(約20分)
Add water into the pan until all ingredient is soak in the water, When it boils, remove the scum on the surface. Simmer with low to medium heat until all the ingredients are softened. (around 20 minutes)
5. ルウを割り(わり)入れて混ぜます。弱火~中火で煮込み続けて(つづけて)。適当なとろみがつけば、火を止めます。(約20-30分)
Divide the curry roux into small pieces and mix into the ingredients. Continue simmer with low to medium heat. After the curry thicken as you wanted it to be, turn off the fire. (should take around another 20-30minutes to thicken )
And..... done! Voila~!
This is my way of cooking curry, there are many more ways on the internet. Many different ingredients are use to vary the taste of the curry such as coconut milk, tomato, apple and honey. This is the so-called 'secret ingredient'.
みんなも 私のように カレーのつくりと食べるかとを 楽しましょう
Hope you enjoy making and eating the curry as much as I do~!